January 3, 2010


Inspiration is COMPLICATED. Sometimes it’s a fleeting, bare wisp of a concept that needs to be nurtured and molded. Other times (the lucky times…) it comes to us whole and intact, an exact concept in our mind that we only need to replicate. Mostly, inspiration lies somewhere between the lightning bolt and the hunch, but when we have some kind of idea we consider worthy, it’s often enough to get us off and running off in the right direction…

It’s important to try and keep active, practicing our art form. We can’t sit and wait for the perfect “revelation:” it doesn't always work that way. Julia Cameron, author of "The Artist's Way" says that enthusiasm for our art should be less of an emotion, more of a commitment, a "loving surrender to our creative process." *

Have you ever begun a project on a whim, and only after getting deeply involved in it, understood the REAL significance of the piece? Those are the times when the inspiration can be deeply spiritual and magical.

OBSERVATION: It seems that by acting upon an original inspiration, we can open ourselves up to deeper and more profound levels of inspiration as we dance that intricate dance of creative expression.

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