January 6, 2010


What a difference! Yesterday, an acupuncture session and an art club meeting lifted my energy level! Nurturing our physical, mental and spiritual selves can be a good way to start energizing our inspiration.

This evening there was a particularly brilliant sunset which made me think about how euphoric those colors make me feel! It was a spectacular show and I had the luxury of spending some time studying, as it unfolded. As a painter, color is both tool and vice for me. Some colors in nature make me want to drink them to excess and bathe in them!

Many great painters have studied nature in depth, learning much from her. In his "Reminiscences," the abstract painter, Vassily Kandinsky, talked about how sunset was a magical time of day, when the colors profoundly inspired him.

As artists looking for deeper inspiration, we can try and figure out what elements of our art inspire us most, and immerse ourselves in them, especially when we need an energy boost.

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