October 5, 2010

Uncommon Bonds of Inspiration

That which truly inspires us as artists is as unique and spiritual as our innermost thoughts, perceptions and being. As artists, we are probably more intensely aware of our individuality than the average person; we learn quite young that the creation of art is a solo journey. The fortunate among us are able to surround ourselves with support networks of love and encouragement from family and friends: this alone is an uncommon gift.

How very rare and precious it is, though, to find people whose inspiration actually springs from a well quite similar to our own. On my recent expedition to the Channel Islands National Park with a group of fellow plein-air painters, I was blessed to find this rare depth of simpatico, and am much richer a human being and artist for it.

With the traveling companionship of my family or friends, I’m usually the one calling attention to the magnificence of the scenery, its myriad colors and forms… a duty I take quite seriously. With the companionship of fellow painters, though, the reaction of AWE was practically a given; almost everybody had that weak-in-the-knees / takes-your-breath-away response to the majesty of that which we were so privleged to witness. This uncommon bond with my fellow artists has profoundly affected me, and will nurture my inspiration, always.

1 comment:

  1. Yep... you enabled the comments..

    And yes... I so agree with you Diane... I enjoyed sharing the awe with you and with everyone... We all see different things and in different ways... but sharing such beauty is truly synergistic!!!
